Legal Pet Snakes in California

If farm animal offspring aren`t as exotic as you`d like, there are still a handful of interesting pets that are legal in California for adventurers. The best thing about these exotic animals? You don`t need a lot of space, so if you`re interested in condos for sale in Irvine CA or other communities in the area, you`ll have plenty of room for these unique animals: your responsibility officer will guide you every step of the way. He or she will meet with you, review the documents, tell you what you need to provide, and give you advice on possible legal actions. It`s important that you carefully consider the regulations and requirements not only for your state, but also for your city and county. What might be legal in your state may not be allowed in your county or city. And most importantly, learn about the liability requirements for keeping snakes of all kinds. Hot or venomous snakes are of course a completely different topic. It`s literally a completely different animal. It`s almost as different as owning a domestic cat and a mountain lion. I`m not sure it`s very useful to talk about owning “snakes” in general, because the type of experience and the type of person needed to hold a ball python are worlds away from one who wants to keep a king cobra or even a green anaconda. I don`t think they should be equated from afar, just as we don`t talk about “cat owners,” including domestic cat owners and tiger owners. Snakes are simply too large a group. Many of the things discussed here are only relevant to a very small subset of people who own snakes.

I think there should be stronger differences between the types of snakes that are possessed. Miles Norwood: All exotic pureblood cats are illegal in California. Many landlords discriminate against tenants with reptiles, but fears are largely unfounded, as most dog breeds pose a much greater danger to someone than the most commonly kept snake species. These snakes also don`t cause life-threatening allergic reactions in anyone and shed dander, which is extremely difficult to remove and can leave a place that may be uninhabitable for people with severe allergies. When a king python escapes, the worst thing it can do is trigger an original fear reaction in someone, but that fear has no basis in reality. A ball python is literally physically unable to kill anyone except perhaps a very newborn, but since a newborn is far too big to consume this snake, it is very unlikely to try. And that`s theoretical; No python ball killed anyone. This guide is absolute rubbish. For example, there are no states where all non-venomous snakes are illegal. If you illegally acquire reptiles and bring them to different states, it is a violation of federal law.

If you acquire poisonous snakes that you “know, or reasonably should have known, were taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of state law,” you are violating the Lacey Act. Is a venomous snake dangerous? Yes in any case. Is a boa constrictor a constrictor? It`s possible. Rat snakes and garter snakes? They can bite you, but most of what you get is a scratch. The majority of non-venomous snakes kept as pets are gentle and generally do not bite their owners unless provoked. But any species can bite without warning if it is afraid or too hungry. Snakes can also be more angry and tend to bite when they lose or don`t feel well. You probably want to remove this regulation card. Some conditions are false. California and Oregon, for example. All non-venomous snakes are legal here without permission or regulation, except for some random species such as wine snakes and water snakes.

All native rattlesnakes are also legal in California without a license. You can even catch and keep two rattlesnakes a day from nature, and it`s legal. I live in Georgia. It is illegal to possess native species of non-venomous and non-native venomous snakes here. However, it is perfectly legal to own non-native, non-venomous, and native venomous venomous snakes here in Georgia. You say that all snakes here are illegal, and if someone corrects you, you basically respond with “Don`t believe everything you read on the Internet, do your own research.” It`s supposed to be a site dedicated to educating people about snakes, and yet you tell blatant lies and spread false information. Stop making generalizations that are clearly not true, you spread misinformation and if people say “it`s not true” and you refuse to correct your mistake, then you are deliberately lying to the public about that misinformation. Either edit the article so that misinformation doesn`t spread, or do nothing and willingly admit to intentionally spreading false information and undermining any credibility you think you have in this case.

If this page is really about educating the general population about the legality of snake ownership in every state, prove it by correcting your mistakes or being part of the problem. If you`re considering an exotic animal, check out this list of crazy, weird, crazy, and strange animals that are legal and illegal in California. If you love gerbils and want to consider other similar wild rodents as pets, there are several that are legal in California, including hamsters, rats, mice, guinea pigs, and chinchillas. Unless you mean fry the toy no, all primates are illegal. However, finger monkeys don`t really exist. I don`t think there are any states that have a blanket ban on all snakes, so this graph is not very accurate. Even in New York, which bans all members of the pythonadae family (pretty silly, because that includes snakes like the ball python and the child python, both of which are considerably less threatening than, say, a pit bull that could literally kill you but is still legal), garter snakes and corn snakes, for example, are not prohibited, and there is no general ban on Colubridae.